About "share house"

Although "share house" means several people will share and live together in the same space [i.e., sharing a room], in Japan, this is also referred to as "guest house." In this system, each person will have his or her own room, but everyone will share the same kitchen, living room and shower. In addition, because we do not require a deposit, key money, brokerage fee or a guarantor, it is convenient for short-term residents and foreigners.


At our company, we customize the share house towards your lifestyles, take consideration of the management of a concept house and realize an even better lifestyle as well as provide a living space that has extra benefits. We do not provide a "residence." The product we provide is the "environment" to realize an even better lifestyle where you can feel the "warmth" and "connection" between people that transcends culture, language and barriers that is created through this living space. By sharing, you will be able to enhance and improve your individual lifestyles by living together, encouraging each other, and being a stimulating influence on each other.

Our wish as operators

In recent years, the Internet and social networks have become very popular, and amidst modern society where connections in the virtual world is spreading, we wish to provide you with a unique sharing style with the concept of "connections" and "warmth" that is realistically created by human beings. In addition, from another perspective, while the world is moving towards globalization, Japan's housing situation is still closed to foreigners. In response to the needs of such customers from abroad and of younger people to the elderly, we wish to contribute to realizing a new lifestyle and the globalization of Japan.

Recommended share house

Share house Bourgeois 32.000JPY~

Hanshin Nanba Line ‘Dekijima Station’(7minute-walk)


